Solving Not So Common Palm Series Problems
- If you're really looking for the Frequently Asked Questions, then visit Calvin's site at
- Unless otherwise noted, these solutions apply to the Windows version of the Palm Desktop software when the desktop software is involved in the solution or the problem.
- Solutions generally apply to PDA's based on the PalmOS, such as the Pilot, Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor, Treo, Tungsten, and Zire.
- Although the solutions presented here have worked successfully
for other Palm users, you should exercise caution and take care to have adequate backup of
your important data.
- The information presented here may or may not be accurate, the
author makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information
Use this information at your own risk! You should always attempt to obtain a full backup of your Palm before experimenting with solutions presented here. In addition, take the extra step of backing up your \palm\users.dat file as well as the \palm\username directory and its subdirectories.
Links to Other Sites with Problem Solutions
Other Useful Links
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If you found this site useful, or even if you just have comments or suggestions or even complaints, please let us know here. Thanks, we really do appreciate the feedback!