Converting e-books to Kindle Format

A great source of e-book conversion utilities can be found at There you will find various commercial, opensource and freeware programs that can handle file formats like LRF, CHM, LIT, HTML, PDF, RTF, PDB and DOC and convert them to formats that the Kindle can handle.

I’ve used the opensource Calibre EBook Management Software and can recommend it without hesitation. It’s available for Windows, Linux & the Apple  OS X platforms.

Amazon Kindle File Formats

  • AZW
  • TXT
  • MOBI
  • PRC

Note that Amazon offers its conversion via email service for the following file formats;

  • Word DOC
  • HTML
  • JPEG
  • TXT
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • BMP
  • PDF (experimental, results vary)

Software like earlier mentioned Calibre can handle additional formats, such as;

  • CBZ
  • CBR
  • CBC
  • CHM
  • EPUB
  • FB2
  • LIT
  • LRF
  • ODT
  • PDB
  • PML
  • RB
  • RTF
  • SNB
  • TCR


2 Responses to “Converting e-books to Kindle Format”

  1. Jack Smith says:

    Calibre is also a very helpful device in conversion and user friendly, I readily converted my books with their guidelines but the conversion needed many edits which had to be done manually got this knowledged from when I ordered books for them

  2. April Johnson says:

    The main reason behind that is that they have the best education behind them.

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